The above is a photo of Lenore, a fish who accidentally cheated on her jellyfish boyfriend at a wild high school reunion party.
Below is her apology letter.
How to begin... First of all I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I hope you won't immediately turn your gooey back on me after you read what I've written.
I went to my high school reunion party last Friday and had way too much fermented kelp. Way too much. You know I'm a lightweight...
Well, remember Sam, the foreign exchange Siamese Fighting Fish from high school. I know you got kicked out of school senior year... Anyway, he was there. You remember he was my date to prom, wayyyy before we met? Well, things got a bit out of control. Sam was visiting just for the weekend and... We got to talking.... We got to reminiscing... Then we made out inside the plastic sunken ship. A jerkface minnow snapped a picture of us, so you might see that on FishBook, just FYI...
Oh, Gil, I just had to tell you! Please don't hurt Sam! Please don't break up with me!
Let's get married!
Yours forever,